F o u n d e r s

W y m y s ł ó w F r a n c u s k i
The name “Francuski” originated in the 18th century and was given by the Marquis Stanislas Jean de Boufflers, who was the godson of King Stanislas Leszczynski. He was a prominent figure in France, among other things he was Field Marshal and a member of the National Assembly. In 1797, fleeing from the French Revolution, he took refuge on Polish soil in the Wymyslow farmstead. A group of several French aristocrats settled here with him.

Our story
F a m i l y H o u s e a n d V i n e y a r d
Dom Jantoń, including the winery and stables, is surrounded by a 6 hectares vineyard. Premium wines are created here, especially sparklings and ciders, using the noble second fermentation in the bottle method. As well as still wines and naturally sweet wine from late harvest.
Enormous passion and 30 years of experience in the wine industry, as well as hundreds of visits to vineyards on all continents, allowed the owners to duly prepare to create a unique place on the map of Polish vineyards.
Geographically, the winery is located on the Łaska Plateau lying in the southeastern part of the South Wielkopolska Lowland. The grapevine strains here are carefully selected to suit the climate and soil conditions. The light, heat-retaining and water-permeable sandy soil provides its wines with exceptional aromatics and finesse. The first vine plantings were made in 2013. Initially, the winery was a hobby, producing wines only for the needs of family and friends. Today, thanks to the great passion and dedication of the people, one-of-a-kind wines are made here, which can be obtained at selected oenotheques and restaurants.
W e a r e p r o u d o f w h a t w e d o

B e a t a J a n t o ń
– Biotechnologist (Jagiellonian University),
– Enologist (Universite de Bordeaux),
– Vineyard and winery management
(Bordeaux Sciences Agro),
– WSET Level 3,
– Grand Diplome le Cordon Bleu (Paris).
Our team
P a s s i o n a t e p e o p l e

Przemysław Bal
Production / Enology

Bartosz Barczewski

Marek Walczak