The third edition of the Polish Wine Fest has ended!

T h e t h i r d e d i t i o n o f t h e P o l i s h W i n e F e s t h a s e n d e d !

Beata Jantoń w Dublinie na Polish Wine Fest

The third edition of the Polish Wine Fest has ended!

We are happy to summarize our renewed participation in what is probably the largest Polish wine festival abroad! This is a unique opportunity for us to present our unique DOM JANTOŃ wines to lovers from all over the world. We would like to thank everyone who visited us. We hope that the taste of our wine will remain in your memory for a long time, and the knowledge provided during the Masterclass with Beata Jantoń will expand your oenological horizons. See you at the next unforgettable tastings!


We also encourage you to watch the video report created by Wine Tuber:


Photos: own archive, Maciej Nowicki & Radio Cenzura

Beata Jantoń
Beata Jantoń

Pasjonatka win, enolog
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