Wine Women Club at DOM JANTOŃ

W i n e W o m e n C l u b a t D O M J A N T O Ń

Klub Winne Kobiety

Not long ago, we hosted wonderful guests at DOM JANTOŃ – the Wine Women Club.

The ladies chose us for their first weekend trip – for which we are very grateful! None other than Beata Jantoń, representing the women’s part of DOM, talked about our work, history and dreams for the future. It was a surprise for her to be accepted into this exclusive club – we are happy for her! The meeting ended with an exquisite dinner at Kolumna Park hotel (as always, great service – well done to the entire crew and Chef Maciej Kowalski), where our wines were included.

Beata Jantoń
Beata Jantoń

Pasjonatka win, enolog
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