Dom Jantoń is the patron of performances at the Grand Theater in Łódź

D o m J a n t o ń i s t h e p a t r o n o f p e r f o r m a n c e s a t t h e G r a n d T h e a t e r i n Ł ó d ź

Beata Jantoń w Teatrze Wielkim w Łodzi

Dom Jantoń is the patron of performances at the Grand Theater in Łódź.

Our passion for the art of wine is combined here with the passion for the Great Art of Theater. Inspired by our common commitment and love for beauty in all its forms.

We are proud that we can build a bridge between these two worlds of art.

PRIME Orchestra from Kharkov is a real sensation on the music scene! The funds collected at the concert will be used to help people suffering as a result of Russian military aggression in Ukraine.

Beata Jantoń
Beata Jantoń

Pasjonatka win, enolog
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